Thursday, July 05, 2007

Summer Camp Summer Camp, Sum Sum, Summer Camp

Wow, the summer camp season is flying by...yesterday I was booking groups, last night the first camp came in, and now we are halfway through the summer. That was fast. So far, the summer has been eventful in all the right ways...if you've ever worked at a summer camp, you know what I mean. It's like there is totally enough stuff going on to ward off atrophy of the spirit and will, but it's smooth enough to keep too many ambulances away too. I'm sure that I'll unpack more from the summer later...maybe when I post again in September.

The big news today in the house is that I'm all alone for about 9 days while Kristie is traveling with
Billy and Cindy Foote as a nanny for their little girl Libby. So, it's just me, the dog, the cat, and about 600 kids next week at preteen camp.

On the agenda for this week: Go to Austin today for a youth camp meeting. Restring the Larrivee and write some Grammy winning songs. Go fishing on the coast on Saturday or take a kayak out on the lake for a day of sight-seeing. Try to keep the house from getting filthy while Kristie is gone. Finish all my books that I am currently trying to read. Mow and weedeat if it is at all dry enough to do...oh yeah, and put new sparkplugs in the Landcruiser and get that thing running.

Wish me luck.