Monday, January 26, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Old Tools

Sometimes I forget that old things are the best. I had some drilling to do this afternoon and, of course, the batteries weren't charged on my handy dandy cordless screwdriver. I was peeved at the thought of having to put my project off, but then I remembered the good ol' PowrKraft that my father-in-law gave me after his dad, the previous owner of the PowrKraft, passed away. I've used it a couple of times and it has always gotten my out of a pinch. It may not be pretty, and it may have a slight electrical problem which may someday be the cause of my untimely demise,'s a great tool, still kickin' after all these years, and still doing what it was designed to do. I hope that when I'm old, and when I have been replaced by some newer, faster, more lightweight version of me , that every now and then I can save the day and scare the bujeezus out of them at the same time.