Monday, October 02, 2006

Just in case anybody reads this...

...I'll tell you about my day. Started out slow as there was no Red Bull in the house. When I got to work, an extremely large hot cup of coffee got things on track. (By the way, you should know that I have a caffeine addiction...and I don't really trust non-caffeine addicts.)

The big news (just so you'll see how little my news is) of the day is that I put a new gas filter on my Landcruiser. It was really horrible riding in this tank-like beast with gas fumes wafting in through the space on either side of the stick shift lever....and maybe some small rust holes in the floorboard. I couldn't tell whether it was an exhaust problem or just and issue with the gas line...turns out it was the cheaper of the two. I put it on tonight after work and went for a quick spin around camp. No noxious fumes. Great!

Only slightly less significant only because it hasn't happened at all is that i have had an overwhelming urge to study
Calculus. I know...I know..."Why would anyone want to do that?" I really have no idea. I saw a book in Barnes and Noble last week which put Calculus into a new, more real-life friendly setting and I thought "I should give Cal a second chance." It has been about 13 years since I last studied Calculus, but surely it can't go away. All that blood sweat and tears should amount to something. Who knows?

And finally, I spent a litttle time today building an Access database for work. Nothing fancy...just a small tool to help me make contracts for groups more easily. It reminded me a lot of working at
UT Tyler and the days on end that I would lock myself in my cubicle and work on a db for my event registrations. What a monster that was! If anybody needs a registration database, let me know. I'll be glad to share what I have, but don't even think about asking me to work on it. I'm retired.

If anybody needs me, I''l be finding derivatives and limits.


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