Thursday, November 16, 2006

McAllen, TX

That's where I find myself today. Sitting at the Coffee Zone, a tucked away coffee shop that would be unnoticed in North Dallas or South Houston...the smell of good coffee, some instrumental music that makes me thankful for, and free wi-fi (go RioPlex!).

It's almost two hours from home, but I had a couple of meetings today, so in the eight hours in between engagements, I thought I would set up shop and do a little work...which I did.... a little work that is.

The cool thing about working at a camp is that everyday is practically a blank canvas of possibility. As many ways as there are to learn, that is part of the my palette. Almost as many physical activities you can do outside, those are part of my palette as well. As many people who love to communicate truth and beauty, these are the brushes that I can use. I know it all sounds very flowery, but then there is the other side too. As many messed up, cracked, and cranky people as there are, that's us. We're the ones who are trying to pull it off. We're the ones who barely graduated from "PicturesPages with Bill Cosby" and here we are trying to paint while entropy catches up with our buildings, our programs, our people and our motivation. Some artists we are.

You can look up "entropy."

On lighter subjects, I've been playing the guitar a lot more lately. Not big news? Wrong. This is big news due to the fact that I had almost lost my callouses and definitely lost some dexterity that I once had. I'm working hard to get that back up to speed, but I haven't had the chance to really put it to use yet. Hopefully soon.

Also, we just got garage doors on our house. Our house is a remodel of a house that was built in the 50s of double brick and cement. The camp did a great job of remodeling it before we moved in though and everyone who's seen it before says it's like a different house...amazingly different. Wow, what a blessing. Anyway, the garage doors officially end the renovations, so we are excited to be able to go to the laundry room and still stay "inside." A small thing, but still good to have.

I'll try to keep up with the blog better. Maybe I'll update sooner than month from now.


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